Saturday, February 26, 2011


sorry i havnt got a lot of posting done latly! theres a lot of excided thingss going on!! first of all march is coming up!!! the most busys events of the year!!! first on march 4th its my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooaaaa!!! i rlly rlly want a webcam fro my birthday! i overheard my mom talking to my dad, and she might get me ugg boots! eeeeeppp!! im so pumped! lol(: also spring is just around the corrner! thankk god!xD i get to go spring shopping for my new pretty outfits lol(: also st.patricks day is coming up and cuz im very irish i lovvv tht day so much cuz last year, i got to be in the st.patrick day parade! hope to see all of you on ecobuddiesss!!! :DDDD