Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Winner to who you can trust the most is..........

APPLE! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! apple is a very nice friend who you can trust with anything! If you have a big secert you can count on apple not to tell anyone. apple also helps people when there sad. One time i was sad and apple cheered me up :). if you see apple say hi to her and bacome friends with her because shes a super kind careing friend!


  1. hi molly this is apple and thank you very much. you are one of the nicest pple on ecobuds you always say hi and are never mean and u luv the eart and animals. so if i had a milion dollars i would give u a castel full of choclate.

  2. awwwwwww thxz apple ur so swett. your so nice. :)
