Monday, January 3, 2011

Caramel's Birthday!!!!!

TODAY IS MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD CARAMEL122 BIRTHDAY!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY! she is turing 12!!!!!! i no her in real life and she is super duper nice. i hope she has an amzing birthday filled with love joy and happies! lets all celebrate for caramel!!!! happy birthday caramel!(:

I wrote a little poem for her(;

C- cares about everyone
A- amazing personalyt
R- rose is her and mine middle name
A- always so nice
M- my best friend
E- everyone nos her on ecobuddies
L- loves to dance

1 comment:

  1. happy belated birthday caramel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot!
    <3 bubbles125
