Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New bfflz on friendship wall!

The bfflz on the friendship wall this week are pop34, eggo2, apple, and i added n tatallyawesome cuz she will be leaving ecobuddies soon. :(. all these bfflz are super nice and can trust all them. if you see them say hi to them and ask if they want to be your friend. they will diffeltly say yes.


  1. Molly can you add me on ecobuddies? By the way, your blog is super!

  2. sure i will and thxz for the comment. wat is ur user name on ecobuddies? **bfflz 4 ever**

  3. Oh... I'm sorry I guess I forgot to put my username on that comment. O_o Well this is bubbles125. Peace Out ~bfflz 4 ever~ ^_^

  4. u dont have to put me on the wall its fine

  5. totallyawesome plz dont go **bfflz 4 ever**
