Friday, June 18, 2010


we have a tie between two awesome people who won for buddie you love to hang out with the most are............oreo135 and rhin1!!! OHHH YEAH!!! great job. OReo and rhin are so nice and kind.I love hanging out with them. If i ever need a shoulder to cry on i can cry on theres and no they will always be there for me. I know oreo in real life and shes SUPER nice. I wish she was my sister lol. I bet rhin is soooooo cool in real life cuz hes really cool on ecobuddies.

Also winner to favorite pet is.....a fish!!! HORRRAYYYYYYY!:) fishes r so amazing and cool. There a pet almost everyone has. In my basment my family used to have a big fish tank with cool fish. My favorite was this yellow fish. Sadly, they all passed away. There also was a starfish in there who was so fablouse. I wish you can walk fish. lol

Btw did you noctied thing of the week is now SUMMER thing of the week. Thats cuz summer is coming. Thsi monday i cant wait! YAY! im molly the beach lover <3 beach


  1. Hey thanks molly you're the best!

  2. awww thxz! ur so kind and awesome rhin!!! :)

  3. You spell "buddie" buddy! Also, "fishes" fish! Also, "basment" basement!
