Friday, July 23, 2010

Guss What!

i have lotz to say. ill start with jellyfish. so julia caramel and i were swimming out to this raft at the beach. then we felt pins and needels. we swim with all r mite to the raft. we all got stung by jellyfish. it hurt. warning: if your a beahc lover like me, dont make jellyfish ur best friends lol.

At my camp there was a talnet show. my friends diana rylee and i made a dance for it. we performed it in frount of the whole camp and won! we all got these cool starws lol!!!!

Winner for nicest buddies is........porkchop!!!! YUPPPPERZZZ! porkchop is one of my good friends and belive me, he is SUPER nice. he is a great friend to everyone. he will never make anyone cry. he cares about others ad is always so kind. im glad porkchop is my friend! :)


  1. YAY! Porkchop
    srry about your leg molly caramel and julia no worries lol i wont have a jelly fish as my best friend lol

  2. Yeah no jellyfish friend lol i will never have a jellyfish friend lol -Tinayumyums cheers :)
