Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer thing of the week is........

Waves!!!! WHOAAA! wAves are very fun to play in, but dangourse at the same time. some waves are just very tiny and u bearly feel them. some waves are a little bit taller then you and if you get hit by one it pushes underwater then to shore. Then there are the huge waves which you can surf on. I always wanted to go surfing before. if those waves hit you, you better no how to swim because it pushes under. If your surfing and that happens, just hold on to your surfbaourd and it will floate you back up to shore. So remeber, waves are fun, but dagourse at the same time.


  1. Hi Molly its Cottoncandy,I hope you had fun at camp! Could I be in one of your polls? Thank's

  2. hi cottoncandy! :) of course you can be in one of my polls! and camp is so much fun :) hope to c u on ecobuddies
